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Busselton Jetty Sushi Train

Fri, 13 Sept


Busselton Jetty

A scenic ride along the Busselton Jetty aboard the Sushi Train!

Tickets are not on sale
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Busselton Jetty Sushi Train
Busselton Jetty Sushi Train

Time & Location

13 Sept 2024, 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Busselton Jetty, 17 Foreshore Parade, Busselton WA 6280, Australia


About The Event

You're in for a real treat!

The Busselton Jetty (the longest wooden-piled jetty in the Southern Hemisphere) is set to become the location for the Busselton Jetty Sushi Train - all aboard! 🚂

🍣 Show your ticket to the friendly Busselton Jetty team at the Interpretive Centre (the blue building on the jetty), where you will be greeted with a complimentary alcoholic or non-alcoholic drink (please select when booking your ticket). You will be directed to your seat, and served your first meal of the evening.

🍣 Once everyone's onboard, the 5pm train will disembark from the station and take you along a scenic ride.

There are 6 seats in each carriage, so please allocate groups accordingly in the seating chart when you're booking your ticket. 

🍣  Once at the end of the jetty, you will be met with Japanese entertainment. Drinks will be available for purchase. Take in the beautiful scenery, and enjoy your meal, before boarding the train for the return journey, where you will be served your dessert.

Children are more than welcome to attend, and will be served a fruit juice on arrival.

Please advise of any dietary requirements and we will do our best to accommodate these.

PLEASE NOTE: If unsuitable weather is forcasted, a decision will be made 48 hours before the planned event to either reschedule, or change the plan for this event. Please ensure you provide correct phone and email address so we can contact you in the unlikely event that weather issues may impact your experience.



🍣 チケットをバッセルトン桟橋の解説センター(桟橋上の青い建物)で親切なスタッフに提示してください。ウェルカムドリンク(アルコールまたはノンアルコール)でお迎えします(チケットを予約する際にお選びください)。その後、お席にご案内し、デンズボローの「Peko Peko」から最初のお料理が提供されます。

🍣 5時の列車が出発し、美しい景色を楽しむ旅が始まります。各車両には6席があり、グループでの参加をご希望の場合は、チケット購入時にその旨とグループの他のメンバーの名前をお知らせください。

🍣 桟橋の端に到着すると、日本のエンターテインメントがお出迎えします。大人の方には日本のカレー、子供にはキッズ弁当が提供されます。ドリンクも購入可能です。美しい景色を楽しみながらお食事をお楽しみいただき、その後、デザートが提供される帰りの列車にご乗車ください。



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